Monday, January 9, 2012


It has come to my attention in the past few days that some of my priorities may be somewhat skewed. Of course I get the important stuff done, bills and work and such, but what I chose to do with my spare time is starting to concern me. Every time I come in the apartment, the first thing that I notice is silence, which I don't like to come home to. No one there, lights off, and completely quiet expect for when my cat leaps out of me from a dark corner in the playful attempt to give me a heart attack. So to fill the void of empty silence which seems to pervade the air, I turn on the TV for background noise. Unfortunately I am addicted to trash television background noise usually means Toddlers and Tiaras, Jersey Shore, Pawn Stars, or any of those terribly depressing shows about addictions and other crazy people with problems. Pretty soon I lose my focus and think, "No! I can't take out the trash now! I have to see more of this person ruin his life with heroine!" Who can think about actually going to buy groceries after watching Extreme Couponing? It makes shopping seem futile and wasteful due to the fact that I actually have to spend money. I don't need real life!

This morning was the first day of my senior year of college, and after I got up I had to figure out what to do with my time before school. I thought I could cook some eggs, but then I looked in the mirror and realized that make-up needed to happen RIGHT NOW before such trivialities as sustenance could be considered. After that I faced another obstacle - what to wear. It's my senior year and my classes are up a hill, so heels are definitely out. It's going to later so I need to wear boots, therefore I need to wear skinny jeans to put inside said boots. I'm not skinny yet so I have to find something that covers me, so there goes the majority of my shirts. Is it cold? Should I wear a scarf? OK. Outfit done. Now what the hell is going on with my hair. What position do I sleep in to even make it look like that?
Of course eating is simply out of the question at this point now that my hair was in such a deplorable state. Breakfast is only for people with nice hair, so I skipped it and ate an apple in the car. Priorities.

Other difficult decisions I have faced recently include trying to decide whether to purchase New York Times OR Cosmopolitan on my Nook, buy a map update for my GPS or save money/constantly become hopelessly lost in attempts to find most locations, and currently, sleep or blog and work on random projects, none of which have anything to do with school. Sleep was probably the right decision around 3 hours ago.

I just have to add this because it was so stupid: I am on a laptop typing this. That's an actual laptop with a big screen and a full keyboard and access to the internet. A second ago I thought, "this blog needs a picture. I should look for one!" So I pulled out my iPhone and pulled up Safari. FAIL.

Picture of the Day: School > Sleep

1 comment:

  1. Haha. Very well written! I just read a book on the subject called "Willpower" - it has tons of experiments in it showing what people do and why it is then really difficult to make decisions. If you are interested, I can bring you a copy, or a summary, or a super-short verbal summary. =)
