Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Tentative Suggestions for 2012

1. Write every day 
-see present blog
2. Pray every day 
3. Read every day
-but not just for school, like for FUN. I remember a distant point in my past when I actually wanted to pick up a book and leisurely enjoy it without the impending terror of being tested on it and knowing stupid and minute details like symbols and motifs and what year the author got married.
4. Work out

-No but seriously!!! I will this time!!! This year is different! I am going to drop fifteen pounds and become an avid runner and drink fruit smoothies and be on exercise infomercials! I can change, dammit!
6. Watch movies instead of TV shows
-since I haven't seen a lot of basic "good" movies and am pretty sure that I have seen every episode of Lizard Lick Towing, Storage Wars, Teen Mom 2, and, yes, Jersey Shore. Yeah like you haven't watched it. Judgmental asshole.
7. Cook
-I'm in college, so the occasional Ramen Noodle dinner is inevitable despite the fact that I have a fully-functional kitchen in my apartment. However, I get the vibe that my family wants me to be less of a lazy pizza-consuming fatass and more of a homemaker when for the past two Christmases I received an arsenal of Martha Stewart kitchen gadgets.
8. Make an effort to look good
-Granted, I put on makeup in the morning, but styling my hair consists of showering the night before and letting it shape itself overnight as I toss and turn into various awkward sleeping positions. Maybe instead of just wearing jeans and t-shirts I on a scarf or something...?
9. Keep up with the world
-I shamefully admit that I am one of the ignorant mass of young people who never watches the news or reads political news articles. I honestly just don't care about politics. At all. But world events are important and I want to avoid being the dumbass who gets asked about "the hurricane" or "what happened yesterday in Japan" and responds with:

10. Finish what I start
-like this blog
-and the twenty page research paper I have due in a few weeks for my capstone
-and studying for the oral exam in a couple of weeks which determines if I graduate
-and paying off the paypal account I created to pay for Christmas gifts
-and the art journal I started like 5 months ago and only did 2 pages
-and decorating my apartment where I have been living for 6 months
-and books
-and sentences
11. Have a morning routine
-if I don't have a schedule, I cannot function. Despite how unorganized my mind is, my physical world is structured and neat, and routines often help me to think. However, my current morning routine involves the following:
-rude awakening by repetitive apple ringtone
-set alarm to snooze
-sleep ten more minutes
-another rude awakening, this time seemingly more insistent
-sleep ten more minutes
-realize I have thirty minutes to get ready and make it through traffic to class

-sleep ten more minutes
-alarm, wake in state of annoyance and panic at time limit
-clothes. jeans. shirt. shoes. whatever I grab first.
-food? no time.
-make it to class at least ten minutes late every single day of the semester
12. Do what makes me happy
-but not "temporary" happy, like getting drunk or giving in to cravings to spend money, but what makes me happy overall. Listen to music when I clean, drink tea and read books, go for a walk - sappy shit like that which actually requires me to reflect on the world around me and how I will somehow find a way to fit into it.

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