Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What? I have a blog?!?

So earlier this year, much earlier I might add, I set out to blog every single day. The reality, however, is that with school, work, and a turbulent personal life, blogging does not exactly present itself as a priority. The conclusion I came to is simple: some days, I simply have nothing to say. Hence the title of my blog now, "When I have something to say." When I do, I'll say it. This could also be an excuse for my laziness, but either way, at least I'm writing something. Tonight, I am exhausted from work and slightly intoxicated, leaving me with little in the way of deep thoughts. The latest news with me is that I'm about to graduate college this Friday. YAY!!! That is 2 days from now!!! No more tests, no more 8 o'clock classes, no more falling asleep during lectures, no more...oh wait... what the hell do I do with my life now? Haven't figured that one out yet. My plan right now is to find a job and MOVE AWAY, and give myself some time to figure myself out instead of devoting my life to pleasing someone else like I always have my entire life. I want some time just for me, and in the past several years, there honestly has not been a lot of that. I'm either working to please a teacher, or to please my peers, or, worst of all, to please a guy. I know I need to please God, and I'm thankful that I've become closer to Him lately through all the fear I've had to face in the past few weeks. There is absolutely nothing He can't do for me. Unfortunately, I also want to please myself, and that can often be a conflict of interests. I want to grow, every single day, and never take a step back. I've come way too far.

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